
Leg laser liposuction, Smartlipo (+PAL)

Legs and calves are very important secondary gender characteristics in both men and women.
However not all of us are blessed with perfect legs.

Problems, that can spoil the appearance of legs and calves:
Excess fat tissue (lipedema, fat legs)
Congenital causes
Varicose and spider veins
Lymphatic diseases
Various traumas
The defects can be unilateral or bilateral (on both legs) and may need aesthetic or functional correction.

The aesthetic correction of o legs and calves can be divided into, augmentation- adding fullness, reduction – removing excess volume and treatment of vein and skin problems.

Aesthetic improvement of legs should be based on the golden ratio of calf aesthetics – defined as the distance between the ankle and the lower border of the calf muscle. The distance should be equal to the distance between the knee and the most prominent point on the curve of the calf muscle.
Generally the most attractive range for the female calf circumference is considered to be between 33 and 36cm.

Excess fat tissue (lipedema, fat legs)
In case of excess fat tissue, reduction of calves and ankles can be performed when their circumference is too big to be aesthetically pleasing.
The treatment starts with detailed Ultrasound Examination of the legs. It includes veins, arteries, the sub dermal fat layer and even the bones and articular structure. The general health check is necessary to identify any possible contraindications.
The safest method to decrease calf size is minimally invasive laser liposculpture with Smartlipo MPX (link laser liposculpture lehele). The procedure uses laser energy combined with PAL liposculpture to remove excess fat and tighten skin, making the legs appear slender and elegant.

Congenital defects and scars
In case of congenital defects, age related leg fat atrophy and other cases of tissue deficiency fat grafting (lipofilling)(link lipofilling lehele) is an effective treatment method to improve the shape of the legs. The procedure involves modeling the legs in all dimensions – depth, surface and lateral dimension – to create a more pleasing appearance.
This method can also be used to correct various dents and contractions that can form on the legs after traumas and burns. These defects represent a void or a deficit in subcutaneous tissue and can be treated by filling the gap from inside.

Augmentation of legs is a minimally invasive procedure and requires only minimal incisions, that leave no cosmetic scars. Depending on individual recovery patients can return to their everyday activities after some days.

Treatment of varicose and spider veins
Varicose and spider veins are common problems, that can spoil the appearance of legs.
usually their appearance is connected with age, long periods of standing or genetic disposition.

We at Almeda Clinic offer various minimally invasive methods to restore the youthful stainless appearance of your legs.
More about the treatment of reticular varicose and spider veins here

Lymphatic diseases
When there is a disturbance in the lymphatic circulation it can lead to excessive and pathological fat build up. The treatment starts with a detailed ultrasound examination of the legs to identify the cause of the problem. Based on the results of the examination a suitable minimally invasive treatment method will be chosen.

Reception telephone 601 0194
Contact us by e-mail
Location Narva mnt. 31, Tallinn
Working hours E-R 09:00-17:00

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