
Cicatrix Treatment (acne, stretch marks, post-surgical and post-inflammatiry scars)

Estmedica Clinic offers a combinatiob therapy of cicatrices to patients. We specialize on minimally invasive, modern methods of treatment in order to find the best way of treatment in any situation.

Post – acne scarrin
Acne is an inflammatiry proccess that leads to acne scarring occuring, Post acne scarring influences on person’s appearance. The width and depth of post acne scarring range from one person to another, an individual approach is needed to cope with a problem in each case.
Only Laser treatment of cicatrices should be done for some our patients in order to get and esthtic result. Complex approach is needed to other patients at the same time. Microsurgical technics is used , if it is necessary, in case of complex approach.
A doctor explains you during the consultation which results can you expect and which procedures should be performed in order to improve the face aesthetic.

Stretch marks treatment
Stretch mark, also known as striae, is a cicatrix that have been appeared from the rapid streching of the skin associated with rapid growth or rapid weight changes (pregnancy, rapid muscle growth). Stretch marks may also be influenced by hormonal changes associated with puberty.
Stretch marks may differ by width, length and colour from reddish to white lesins. Striae may be treated medicamentally (using creams) as well as laser or microsurgical treatment can be used. Often combination treatment should be performed of striae treatment.

Post – surgical scars
Ugly scars have been occurred after surgical operations. Patients are ashamed of their body, as a result it could lead to low self esteem and to psychological problems. An individual plan of treatment may be developed in our clinic by the specialists to treat scars.

Burn scars
Deep burns cause wide and ugly scars that may limit movability. Unfortunately, if a patient has many scars it is not too easy to get rid of them. Nevertheless, some research proves that laser scar treatment helps to improve scar texture, soften scar tissue and restore movability. Little burns can be removed completely by using surgical methods of treatment.

Other scars
Depth and the number of cicatrix tissue should be taken into consideration while treating scars. This information helps to a surgeon to find the correct treatment as well as helps to estimate the result of teratment.

The following methods are used to treat cicatrix:
Laser therapy (usually fractional CO2 laser)
Centesis (treatment of sunken scars)
Pharmaceutical treatment (is used in some treatment stages as well as for preventative treatment)
Lifting (basically for stretch marks treatment)
Surgery ( from micro techniques to surgical operation)
Other methods

All scars cannot be completely removed. Nevertheless, aesthetic appearance and movability always can be improved.

Reception telephone 601 0194
Contact us by e-mail
Location Narva mnt. 31, Tallinn
Working hours E-R 09:00-17:00

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